A Final Farewell
Well guys, I do believe this will be my last official blog for this class. I have enjoyed getting to know everyone in my group, I will really miss you guys, though I will still be seeing some of you {Dawn :) } in later classes, and I have enjoyed meeting and talking to many of you others in this class. I have enjoyed reading other people blogs this semester, and I hope you have enjoyed mine, and maybe gotten a laugh or two out of it. I have definitely been able to use this thing to open up about myself, learn a little about just how much, or little impression management we use when talking online. It has been a very eventful semester. I hope that I get to keep in touch with some of you, I will still be around on this blog if anybody ever wants to talk, swap stories, pictures, or jokes, I am up for it. Until I speak to you next I bid you all a very fond farewell.