Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Who I am

My name is Andrew Newton, but call me Andy. I am a 21 year old, second semester Junior. I am a sociology major, with a concentration in criminology. In my college career thus far I have not been the model student as far as grades go, but I am trying to do better. I am a christian. I am on the student leadership team of Campus Crusade for Christ on campus. I try to make my personal relationship with Christ the most important thing in my life. My hope is that people will be able to know I am a christian through seeing the way I live day by day, even though I screw up on a daily basis. I want the love of Christ to be able to be seen through me, so that peolple may know that my life is different and better because I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have a beautiful girlfriend Named Tracy, we have been dating for almost 15 months, and I am very much in love with her. I enjoy playing sports, my favorites are basketball, frisbee, and raquetball (which I just learned this past semester). I love watching movies, I have a collection of 253 DVD's ( but they are not all at school, so don't rob me ;] ). I love playing games like Monopoly, Life, Cranium, or whatever.And I love just hanging out and talking to people, so if you ever need to talk, drop me a line. That's Andy in a nutshell.


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