Thursday, March 30, 2006

An exhaustive list of things you probably didn't know about me, and maybe don't care to ( for those who care to know details of my life and who I am)

What time are you starting this? 3:37
Name? Andrew Christian Newton
Nicknames? Andy, minky, big-nose, liver-stick, hey you.
Date of birth? 12/25/1984
Sex? Yes, please! Oh, You mean what am I. Male
Height? 6'4
Eye color? Blue
Where were you born? Starting out, and working in: The Pysical Realm, Earth, United States, North Carolina, Elizabeth City, a Hospital, The Delivery Room, out from in between my mom's legs.
Number of candles on your last birthday cake? None
Pets? One Cat: named Snow
Hair color? Natural Brown
Piercings? No
Town you live in? Greensboro, from Holly Springs
Favorite foods?
Medium Rare Steak, with mashed potatos and Gravy. Yum
Ever been to Africa? No
Been toilet papering? Unfortunately No, That would be fun.
Love someone so much it made you cry? Yep
Been in a car accident? Several ( I only Caused one of them)
Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon Bits
Favorite day of the week? Friday or Saturday
Favorite resturant? Applebee's or Olive Garden, either way it's good eatin
Favorite flower? I like roses
Favorite sport to watch? Basketball
Favorite drink? Mr. Pibb, Dr. Pepper, YooHoo, and Egg Nog
Favorite ice cream flavor? Hard to say, but Strawberry shortcake is off the hook.
Warner Bros. or Disney? Disney is where it's at.
Favorite fast food restuarant? Wendy's, or Subway
Carpet color in your bedroom? Don't know (yep, my memory is that bad, so don't be mad at me if I don't know your name.)
How many times did you fail your driver's test? Aced it my first time baby.
Whom did you get your last email from? Myself ( how sad is that)
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Wal-Mart ( you might be a redknoeck if...)
What do you do most often when you are bored? Play super mario brothers 1,2, or 3
Most annoying thing to say to me? Wait a minute (ironically, this is a phrase I use very often)
Bedtime? Varies, but rarely before 12:30
Favorite TV show? Perfect Strangers, Friends, Seinfeld, and Lost is good but I have not been able to see this season.
Last person you went out to dinner with?: Tracy McGee ( I can't afford to do it often so you better believe she is gonna be there)
Been out of country? Not Yet
Believe in magick? No, but I believe in Miracles
Ford or Chevy? Ford
What are you listening to right now? The ticking of keyboards in the computer lab.
Have you ever failed a grade? No, but I have come close.
What grade did you fail? None, geez what's with the third degree man
Do you have a crush on someone? Yes
Do you have a bf/gf? Yes
If so, what is their name? Tracy McGee
How long have you been together? 17 months yesterday
What are you wearing right now? Jeans, Socks, Tennis Shoes, An under shirt, and adidas over shirt, and blue Undies (don't be thinking about them)
Would you have sex before marriage? Not for all the money in the world!
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? Yes, I was as close to being in love with my kindergarten teacher, as a five year old can be. and now I don't even remember her name.
Are you a virgin? Yes I am
Do you smoke? No
Do you drink? No
Are you ghetto? Define Ghetto
Are you a player? Don't think I could be even if I wanted to be, but I don't want to be so, in short, NO.
What are your favorite colors?
Carolina Blue, regular old Blue, and Hunter Green
What is your favorite animal? Marmoset (I WANT ONE) but i will settle for a really cute puppy. Do you have any birthmarks? Not anywhere I can see, and in the places I can't see not that anyone has ever told me.
Have you ever gotten your Butt kicked? No. I have a flawless record of (0-0) wins and losses. Of real fights that is. I had kid fights in elementary school, but there are never really winners or loses in those fights.
Who do you talk to most on the phone? my Mom, or Tracy
Have you ever been slapped? Yes
Do you get online a lot? Pretty often
Are you shy or outgoing? A little of both, depends on whose around, but if I had to choose I would say a little more outgoing.
Do you shower? Occassionally
Do you hate school? Hate is a strong word, but most of the time I wouldn't mind doing something else.
Do you have a social life? Yes
How easily do you trust people?
I am very trusting in most cases
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? Several
Would you ever sky dive?
I would love to
Do you like to dance? Yes, but I am often embarressed to.
Have you ever been out of state? yes
Do you like to travel? Yes
Have you ever been expelled from school? NO I have not
Have you ever been suspended from school? No I have not
Do you want to get out of your hometown? Yes, I don't think that's the place for me.
Are you spoiled? Not really
Are you a brat? No
Have you ever been dumped? No, Tracy is my first Girlfriend, and if God wills, she will be my only.
Have you ever gotten high? Nope, and I never will.
Do you like snapple? Never had it, but I hear it's good.
Do you drink a lot of water? Only the kind that is in Soda.
What toothpaste do you use?
Do you have a cell phone? No, but I steal tracy's a lot.
Do you have a curfew?
Nope, if you are a good little boy you don't really need one.
Who do you look up to? Ron Jones ( my Christian Discipler), Josh,and Zack Newton (Brothers), and Lee Newton (my Dad)
Are you a role model? I would say I am
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? Unfortunately No
What name brand do you wear the most? Wal-Mart Baby
What kind of jewelry do you wear? Nothing other than my good ol watch, without which i don't think i would know what year I am in.
What do you want pierced? Not a thing
Do you like takin pictures? I do. I have even considered trying to become a photographer.
Do you like gettin your picture taken? I don't mind it.
Do you have a tan? A little bit of one hanging around from spring break (ah, Panama City Beach) Do you get annoyed easily? Not easily, but I am not much fun to be around after you break me.
Have you ever started a rumor? Yes, but I don't remember what about.
Do you have your own phone or phone line? Every college student does
Do you have your own pool? I wish
Do you prefer boxers or briefs? I prefer boxer briefs (loose yet still supportive)
Do you have any siblings? 2 brothers, and one sister all older.
Have you ever been played? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever played anyone? Never
Do you get along with your parents? Yes I do
How do you vent your anger?
Talk to Tracy, or hit something. ( but not at the same time, don't call the police)
Have you ever ran away? Not yet, but let's wait to see what my grades are like this semester.
Have you ever been fired from a job? Yes, but it wasn't my fault ( I overslept for a 6:45 job like three times. My bad.
Do you even have a job? Yes, I work at the TLC.
Do you daydream a lot? I fantasize alot about all kinds of scenarios
Do you have a lot of ex's? Tracy is my first, so God willing I will never have an ex.
Do you run your mouth? I talk alot, but i don't consider it running my mouth.
What do you want a tattoo of? Not a thing ( tatoos are permanent signs of temperary insanity)
What do you have a tattoo of? Not a thing
What does your ex bf/gf look like? My gf is a very beautiful woman. She is White, with brown hair, and hazel eyes (brown or green depending on her mood, if her eyes are straight brown be somewhere else). She is not real tall, and fits perfectly inside my arms.
What does your most recent crush look like? Refer to the last question
Whats her/his name? Tracy McGee (as if you didn't already know)
Have you ever been b*tched out? At each and every job I have ever held, especially at the movie theater because I was a floor manager, therefore 90% of copmplaints were filtered my me and the other staffleads.
Are you rude?
I am generally a very nice person, but when I am B**ched out other than in work settings my niceness decreases.
What was the last compliment you recieved? i was told i have good hair for headbanging.
Do you like getting dirty? I love getting messy.
Are you flexiable? Not as much as I used to be... but for a guy my size I am still pretty flexible.
What is your heritage? I am a mixed breed. i think I have some, scottish, german, native american, and maybe even a little african american, though you can't tell it to look at me, you see it come out the most when I am on the dance floor (can't touch this)
What is your lucky number? Don't really have one, so how about threve ( a mixture of 3 and 5)
What does your hair look like right now? Long (for me) brown and hanging over my ears.
Could you ever be a vegetarian? I wouldn't want to be long term, but I could be.
Describe your looks? I am a 6'4 whitey, with brown hair, blue eyes, I have a skinny build, but a big belly.
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? Red or Blonde.
Would you ever date someone younger than you? Yes I would
Would you ever date someone older than you? Yes, I am.
When was the last time you were drunk? Never have I nor ever do I intend to drink alcohol.
How many rings until you answer the phone? As few as possible.
Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes, I have oddly enough.
If yes, when was the last time? Some time in boyscouts.
When was the last time you went on a date? Tonight (switchfoot was awesome)
Do you look more like your mother or father? Most people are creeped out when they see me and my dad together, because we look alot alike apparently.
Do you cry a lot? Not a lot, but I am not ashamed to.
Do you ever cry to get your way? No, I think that is a crappy way to get your way.
What phrase do you use most when on the phone? I love you.
Are you the romantic type? I like to think so, but you'll have to ask Tracy.
Have you ever been chased by cops? Define chased, I have been pulled over before, but i don't think I would make it on COPS.
What do you like most about your body? I think I have perdy eyes.
What do you like least about your body? I am not a fan of my belly.
When did you have your first crush? Kindergarten (my teacher and the little Red haired girl) I felt like a mixture of Charlie Brown and Linus, in love with Miss Othmar, and the little red hair girl.
When was the last time you threw up? Other than having a little come up with a belch ( yum) it has been a while thankfully.
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? Whatever God gives me ( but Tracy is brunette and very beautiful)
Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly? I thought I had made it clear that i wasn't a fan of the belly, now why would I want to go showing it off, Geez, this survey does nto pay attention.
What about cleavage? I try to avoid showing off my cleavage, I wouldn't want to cause anyone to lust.
Is your best friend a virgin? yes, they are.
Have you ever messed someone up? NO
Have you ever been messed up? NO
What theme does your room have? Pig Sty
What size shoe do you wear? 11-12 depending on the brand ( you know what they say about a man with big feet... big shoes)
What is your screen name on AIM? andynwton
How are you feeling right now? A little tired, I am waiting to register for classes
When was the last time you were at a party? The last party I was at was for what would have been the first birthday of my girlfriends nephew Brandon Carroll on Feb 25th.
Have you ever given a lapdance? Not that I recall and I think I would remember.
Have you ever recieved one? I'm gonna go with NO.
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? I would imagine so, because I have had some things get back to me about myself that made me go "WHAT"
What is one of your bad qualilties? I am a very bad procrastinator.
What is one of your good qualilties? I am a very good listener, and i think i give pretty good advice when called for.
Would you marry for money? Nope.
What do you drive? A 92' Honda Accord.
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child? More of a mommy's boy, but I love my daddy too.
So? So what?
Well? Well what? What are you getting at?
When was the last time you cried in school? When Brandon passed away, last november, or around there about that.
Would you ever hook up with the same sex? Nope, not into that kinda thing.
What kind of music do you like? I am an ABC fan (anything but Country)
Would you ever bungee jump? I would love too.
What is your worst fear? Seeing loved ones suffer or Die, and not being able to do anything about it.
Would you ever join the army? Most likely not
Do you like cows? MOOO!!! I love Cows
If you were to die today, what would you do? Once I died I would go to heaven. If you are asking what would I do if i knew I were going to die today, I would try to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with every person I came in contact with, which is what i should be doing today.
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b? Believe
Do you like to party?
I like non-alcohol, non-sex parties.
Hearts or broken hearts? Hearts
Moons or stars? Stars
Coke or pepsi? Coke definetely
Favorite scent? Vanilla or Almond extract (AAAHHHHHH)
Favorite band? I am a big fan of Rich Mullins music though he is not really a band. I also love DC Talk and U2
Would you ever dye your hair red? I would , and I did
How many languages can you speak? Only one fluently ( English), y yo hablo un poco espanol. ( and that means I speak alittle bit of spanish for those of you who speak even less than I do)
What time are you finishing this?
11:22 about three days after I started

Posting Error

Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know I did a post on different views of Jesus Christ earlier, and it decided to post half way down my page instead fo at the top, so if you were interested in taking a look at it just scroll down a little way. It is titled the many faces of Jesus. Thanks .

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Cool Illusion

This is a cool illusion. Stare at the four dots in the middle of the image for about 40 seconds, then turn to a blank wall and blink a few times and you will see something cool.

Friday, March 24, 2006



50 things you probably didn't know about me, and maybe some you didn't care to.

1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Andrew Christian Newton
3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Tracy snoring behind me ( sorry babe, but it's true.)
4. WHAT'S THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Steak Dinner prepared my momma McGee
5. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? not generally
6. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? blue... or taupe (cause that's just fun to say. Taupe, taupe, taupe)
7. HOW IS THE WEATHER RIGHT NOW? a little chilly, but it's nice.
9. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THIS? You might say that (it was tracy, ssshhhh)
10. HOW OLD ARE YOU TODAY? 21 years and 3 months Today.
11. FAVORITE DRINK? Dr.Pepper, Mr. Pibb, Coke, and yoohoo
12. FAVORITE SPORT? basketball
13. HAIR COLOR? brown
15. SIBLINGS? 2 bros, and one sister
16. FAVORITE MONTH? December, uhm hello it's christmas people!
17. FAVORITE FOOD? A nice juicy medium rare steak!!!! YUMYUM
19. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? Dec. 25 - Christmas!! again people, isn't it obvious.
20. WHAT DO YOU DO TO VENT ANGER? Hit something (don't tick me off people), or talk to my lady Mcgee, or blog now.
22. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter (you can always put on more clothes, but there's only so much you can take off.
23. HUGS OR KISSES? both are good!
25. DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO E-MAIL BACK? unless it's a forward yes
27. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Katie....b/c you sent it to me!
28. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Greensboro- holly springs
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Tonight ( I stubbed my toe, but it dosn't make me any less of a man okay!)
30. WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED? a keyboard, and trash (don't ask how long that's been there)
32. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? Went to Campus Crusade for Christ, and then studied for a spanish quiz which I am pretty sure i failed any way. Oh well que sara sara!!!!
33. FAVORITE SMELLS? Vanilla or Almond extract (AAAHHHHHHH), Tracy's hair, and fresh cut grass.
34. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Outwardly strong and evangelical christians, and Jason generally inspires me to do something stupid.
35. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? talking animals, and how much would it suck to be buried alive
36. PLAIN, BUTTERED OR SALTED POPCORN? I enjoy a little popcorn with my butter.
37. FAVORITE CAR? Honda Accord, or H2
38. FAVORITE FLOWER? Roses are perdy!
39. NUMBER OF KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? Tres (that's spanish guys, yeah I'm gonna fail) 41. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Friday or Saturday!
42. WHAT DID YOU DO ON YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? hung out with the Fam, and talked to the girlfriend thingy.
47. DO YOU BELIEVE IN REGRETS?: I would like to say no, but my past tells me otherwise. 48. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Just the once
49. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU BEEN IN LOVE WITH? I just told you just the once, good lord isn't anyone listening!!!
50. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SOULMATES? yes, however I believe it is possible to have more than one.

Funny Headlines

· Grandmother of eight makes hole in one
· Deaf mute gets new hearing in killing
· Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers
· House passes gas tax onto senate
· Stiff opposition expected to casketless funeral plan
· Two convicts evade noose, jury hung
· William Kelly was fed secretary
· Milk drinkers are turning to powder
· Safety experts say school bus passengers should be belted
· Quarter of a million Chinese live on water
· Farmer bill dies in house
· Iraqi head seeks arms
· Queen Mary having bottom scraped
· Is there a ring of debris around Uranus?
· Prostitutes appeal to Pope
· Panda mating fails - veterinarian takes over
· NJ judge to rule on nude beach
· Child's stool great for use in garden
· Dr. Ruth to talk about sex with newspaper editors
· Soviet virgin lands short of goal again
· Organ festival ends in smashing climax
· Eye drops off shelf
· Squad helps dog bite victim
· Dealers will hear car talk at noon
· Enraged cow injures farmer with ax
· Lawmen from Mexico barbecue guests
· Miners refuse to work after death
· Two Soviet ships collide - one dies
· Two sisters reunite after eighteen years at checkout counter
· Never withhold herpes from loved one
· Nicaragua sets goal to wipe out literacy
· Drunk drivers paid $1,000 in 1984
· Autos killing 110 a day, let's resolve to do better
· If strike isn't settled quickly it may last a while
· War dims hope for peace
· Smokers are productive, but death cuts efficiency
· Cold wave linked to temperatures
· Child's death ruins couple's holiday
· Blind woman gets new kidney from dad she hasn't seen in years
· Man is fatally slain
· Something went wrong in jet crash, experts say
· Death causes loneliness, feeling of isolation

An ode to Mothers

These are two poems from my grandmothers; the first is from my grandmother on my mom's side,and it is a lymric that she used to say to my mom alot. And the second is from my grandmother on my dad's side, and she wrote this poem in honor of her mother.

1. Me Mudder

Who took me from me cozy cot
and put me on that cold, cold pot
and made me pee when me could not?
Me Mudder

And when me prayers were poorly said,
who tucked me in me widdle bed
and spanked me 'til me ass turned red?
Me Mudder

And when the morning light would come
and in me crib me dribbled some
who wiped me tiny widdle bum?
Me Mudder

Who looked at me wiff eyebrows drooped
and screamed and yelled 'til she had croup
'cause in me Sunday pants me pooped?
Me Mudder

Who would me hair so neatly part
and hug me gently to her heart
and sometimes squeeze me 'til me fart?
Me Mudder

2. That Age Will Never Dim

You can tell she’s older now,
Her hair is turning gray,
And her cheeks are not as rosy
As upon her wedding day.

But there’s a light within her eyes
That age will never dim,
The love that dwells within her heart
Reflects itself in them.

A maiden fair she must have been
For still those loving smiles
Reveal a mature pure and sweet
Unspoiled by weary miles.

A person who could equal her
I’ve never seen another,
And if you know her you’d agree,
You see, she is my mother!

Many Face Of Jesus Christ

This is a song about some of the different views of who Jesus Christ was, and some pictures I found to illustrate some of the different views. Who do you think Jesus Christ really is? I hope that some of you might leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

Some see a teacher
Standing on a hill
Speaking words of wisdom

Some see a healer
Reaching out his hand
To give sight to a blind man

Some see a dreamer
Wasting his life
On what can never be

Some see a fool
Dying for his dreams

But I see love (I see love)
I see love (I see love)
Light of heaven breaking through
Well I see grace (I see grace)
I see God's face (I See Gods face)
Shining pure and perfect love
When I see you
I see love

Some see a prisoner
Alone before his judge
With no one to defend him

Some see a victim
Beaten and abused
With all the world against him

Some see a martyr
Carrying his cross
For what he believes

Some see a hero
Who set his people free

But I see love (I see love)
I see love (I see love)
Light of heaven breaking through
Well I see grace (I see grace)
I see God's face (I See Gods face)
Shining pure and perfect loveWhen I see you

With your last breath
I see love
Through your death
I see love
I see peace in the eyes of the king
I see hope in your suffering (I see love)
I see a calm in the center of the storm
I see a Saviour

I see love
I see love
Light of heaven breaking through (heaven breaking through)
I see grace
I see God's face
Shining pure and perfect love
When I see you
I see love
When I see you
I see heaven breaking through
See Gods faceS
hining pure and perfect love
When I see you
When I see you
When I see you
I see love
I see love
When I see

Some see Him walking from an empty grave

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Movies and Books

This was a blog inspired by Angus, cause I liked it when he did it so I am ripping him off.

My favorite movies that I own (there are other fav's that I don't yet own)
50 First Dates
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
American History X
Army of Darkness
Be Cool
Beauty and the Beast
Beverly Hills Cop
Big Big Trouble in Little China
Bubba Ho-Tep
Conspiracy Theory
Court Jester,
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Finding Nemo
Forest Gump
Forever Young
Four Brothers
Fugitive, The
Ghost and the Darkness, The
Good Morning, Vietnam
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Hunt for Red October, The
Hunted, The I
ce Age
Indian Jones and the Last Crusade
Indian Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom
Kindergarten Cop
Kingdom of Heaven
Knights Tale, A
Last Samurai, The
Legend of Bagger Vance, The
Lethal Weapon 1
Lethal Weapon 2
Lethal Weapon 3
Lethal Weapon 4
Lion King, The
Looney Tunes: The Golden Collection
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Man With Two Brains, The
Mask of Zorro, The
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
My Cousin Vinny
Open Range
Out of Time
Passion of the Christ, The
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Pulp Fiction
Punch Drunk Love
Romancing the Stone
Santa Clause 2, The
Santa Clause, The
Scary Movie 3
School of Rock
Shaun of the Dead
Space Cowboys
Spiderman 2
Support Your Local Gunfighter
Support Your Local Sheriff
Training Day
Uncle Buck

Favorite Books:
Harry Potter Series
More than a carpenter
Chronicles of Narnia series
To Kill a Mockingbird

Non favorite books:
The Elementary Particles
On the Road
Lord of the Rings ( I loved the movies, but I wasn’t a fan of the books)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Overdose victims

I'm sending these graphic picture s of overdose victim s not for shock value, but rather in the hope that you will have a frank discussion with friends and family about respecting moderation, understanding limits, and knowing when to just walk away. Remember...this did NOT have to happen!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


These are some pictures of creatures that were washed up on shore in Thailand, from the Tsunami. And some of these pictures are creepy enough to make me never want to go in the ocean again.

that can't be healthy

This is why I don't sunbathe.


That's so sad! :(

Cool homeless dude

I would totally give this guy money, just for being creative.

Just one of those days

This has Got to suck!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Summer Project People

I want to introduce you guys to a group of people from Campus Crusade For Christ here at UNCG. This is a group of the people who were at spring break that are planning on going one 6 week mission trip to different locations over the summer. From the left to the right, Me, Larissa, Jason, Ashlee, Ron Jones, and Kristin. Larissa, Jason, Ashlee, and Myself are all planning on going ona mission trip to East Asia. Kristin is planning on going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Ron Jones is on Staff with Crusade. And then we also Have a girl named Melissa who is going to go to Bakersfield, California, and man named Grant who is going to Inner City New York. So keep us all in your prayers, because this is going to be an awesome opportunity for us.

Spring Break

For Spring Break I went on a week long mission trip to Panama City Beach, Florida. I went with Campus Crusade for Christ. It was an amazing week.

This first picture is the hotel we stayed at during the week. Every room is ocean front, and it was a great hotel; very spacious, and very comfortable.

This is the hotel pool. This is the main pool, there was also a kiddy pool, and 2 hot tubs. I spent a lot of our free time in this bad boy.

This is just a glimpse of the many sunsets we saw while staying in Panama City. The view of the Gulf, and the scenery were beautiful.

This is some of the group that went on the trip. From the right to the left you have Chris, Kristin, me, and Abby. We are hanging out in the ocean after a long day of outreach on the beach.

This is a picture of a group of us who lost a dare game having to eat a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon. I will admit to you this was one of the nastier things I have had to do in my lifetime. I am in the middle of trying not to throw up, and I believe that both Larissa on my right and Andrea on my left are both about to suck cinnamon through their nose. Good times.

Here is a shot of us eating a late dinner at one of the sketchiest restaurants I have ever seen. The Omelet House. I was the only one in the group brave enough to order an omelet, and Chris ( the man in the black shirt at the back of the table) ordered a hamburger and had the bun delivered to him with no burger on it.

This is the head of one of the children of one of Campus Crusade For Christ's staff members named Ron Jones. The heads name is Ron Jones Jr. AKA "little Ron". The boy has pretty eyes doesn't he?

And this is Ron Jones's other child Emma. She really looks up to us. She's so little and cute.

This was a demonstration some of our guys did one day. We had some guys drag a cross up and down the beach, to put the image into some peoples heads so that they knew what our groups was here for which was to share with the what we believe about God, and Jesus Christ.

We went out on the beach every day, with the goal of engaging people in conversations about spiritual things, and sharing with them the love of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that he made for us so that we could have a relationship with him.

We administered surveys to people to find out what they thought of God, and Jesus Christ, and spiritual issues, and then if they were interested in knowing what we thought about these things we would share the Gospel of the bible with them, by either Using the 4 Spiritual laws, which I have posted in a previous Blog, or by telling them our personal testimonies of how we came to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how he has impacted our lives in amazing ways.

During this week, our group engaged in over 2000 conversations with people, we shared the gospel with over 1100 people, and 71 people accepted Christ as their personal savior this week. I can not think of a better way to have spent my spring break, and I will cherish the memories I have from this trip for a long time.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Beauty of a woman

Hey guys and gals,
I have been reading some of the other posts people have done, and I have seen a number of posts on prejudices and peoples imagery of themselves, and I just thought that some of you might like this email I received. I thought some of the stuff it said was kind of cool.

Facts On Figures: There are 3 billion women who don't look like super models and only eight who do.
Did you know Marilyn Monroe wore a size 14?

If Barbie was a real woman, she'd have to walk on all FOURS due to her proportions!

The average woman weighs 144 pounds, and wears between a size 12-14.

One out of every 4 college-aged women has an eating disorder.

The Models in the magazines are AIRBRUSHED!!! - NOT Perfect!!

A psychological study in 1995 found that 3 minutes spent looking at a Fashion Magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed, guilty and SHAMEFUL!

Models 20 years ago weighed 8% Less than the average Woman. Today they weigh 23% less.

An English professor wrote the words: "WOMAN WITHOUT HER MAN IS NOTHING" on the blackboard, and directed the students to punctuate it correctly.
The men wrote: "Woman, WITHOUT HER MAN, is nothing."
The women wrote: "WOMAN!! WITHOUT HER, man is nothing!"

~~ Beauty of a Woman ~~The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes,Because that is the doorway to her heart,The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives,The passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman With time, only grows..

The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE - Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either!
16 YEARS OF AGE - Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mom. . .

I have always thought that what society says is beautiful is stupid, we set standards for people that no one is going to be able to achieve. If a person is making their decisions about people based on looks, then they themselves are not worth having. I think my girlfriend is a beautiful woman, but that is not why I am with her. I am with her because she is a wonderful woman, who loves the lord, has a wonderful personality, and a loving spirit, and I thank God every day for putting her in my life. And it is a good thing that woman don't base all their desicions on the attractiveness of a man, because if that were the case then tracy certainly would not be with me.

Isn't it Strange

It's Strange Isn't It?
1. Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill Seems like such a large Amount when You donate it to church, but Such a small amount When you go shopping?
2. Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when You're at church, and how Short they seem when you're Watching a good movie?
3. Isn't it strange that you can't Find a word to say when You're praying, But you have no trouble Thinking what to talk about With a friend?
4. Isn't it strange how difficult And boring it is to read One chapter Of the Bible, but how easy It is to read 100 pages of A popular novel or ZANE GREY book?
5. Isn't it strange how everyone Wants front-row-tickets To concerts or Games, but they do whatever Is possible to sit at the last Row in Church?
6. Isn't it strange how we need to Know about an event for Church 2-3 Weeks before the day so we can Include it in our agenda, but we can Adjust it for other events at The last minute?
7. Isn't it strange how difficult it Is to learn a fact about God to share it With others, but how easy It is to learn, understand, Extend and repeat gossip?
8. Isn't it strange how we Believe everything That magazines and newspapers Say, but we question the words in the Bible?
9. Isn't it strange how everyone Wants a place in Heaven, but they don't want To believe, do, or say anything To get there?
10. Isn't it strange how we send Jokes in e-mails and they Are forwarded right away, But when we are going to send Messages about God, we think About it twice before we share It with others?