Happy Birthday
Happy 1st Birthday baby Brandon!!!
We love you and miss you very much. I will see you in heaven one day.
It would appear that when I did my important people: part 2 piece I only had the one crappy picture of my sister in my brother's wedding. So I will attempt to make it up to her. Katie Newton, this ones for you.
Hey everybody, I don't know if anyone in this class is a criminology major or not, but if there is anyone here who aspires to be a lawyer, i thought you might enjoy this, and be sure to take notes. These are some funny quotes from court records nationwide.
Hey everybody, I wanted to take a minute and share with you the basics of what I believe as a christian, and about these 4 biblical truths which have changed my life. If anyone who reads this ever wants to discuss it, whether you agree with what it has to say, or whether you think it's all wrong, I would love to take the time to talk to you about it. My Phone Number is 334-1695, and my email address is andynwton@hotmail.com. Please let me know what you think.
I think that the idea of relationships today has greatly changed from what is was intended to be according to my belief in the bible and it's teaching. I think that it is possibly quite often true that when a man shows attention or affection toward a woman that he is looked at as a sleaze who is just looking for some action, but I believe that this is probably because that's what a lot of guys do unfortunately have in mind when they start to approach a woman, and so some women might shut you out because of past experiences, or some may just be uninterested. I completely agree that women should have complete control over their own bodies, and that men should respect that, and not be shallow enough to go after a women for sex, but should instead pursue a women with the intention of getting to know her better. I do not think that only wives should be considered the property of their husbands, but I think that Wives and Husbands should be the property of each other, and live a live devoted to each other, and God, and should remain faithful in their marriage with each other. I also believe that sex should be something that is reserved for marriage between a man and a woman, and I think that if more people were willing to wait until marriage it would drastically cut down on these feelings of women thinking we are pursuing them just for sex.
Greensboro Times
Hey everybody, I told you that I would introduce you too the rest of the important people in my life, so here you go.
hey guys, this psot dosen't really have anything to do with anything. I just wanted to give you a little insight into what I find funny. Chuck Norris Jokes are all the rage right now, and I love them, but I think that "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handy, will be the time of humor that will be laughed at for generations and generations. So Here is a little taste, i hope you enjoy. If you do enjoy and want more, just let me know and I will give you more.